Pabriks: Ukraine is being betrayed, Latvia must prepare for war

It looks like Ukraine is being betrayed, said the head of the Northern European Policy Center, Artis Pabriks, today in Jūrmala while opening the conference “Ensuring City Operations in Wartime Conditions”. He emphasized that Latvia must prepare for war.

Pabriks pointed out that, considering the current geopolitical situation, all signs indicate that Ukraine is being abandoned. How this will unfold remain uncertain, but it means that the threats at Latvia’s and Eastern Europe’s borders will continue to grow.

He added that he is not trying to exaggerate the situation but believes that our task is to be prepared for crises and war.

“The better prepared we are, the lower the chance that we will experience war. The better prepared we are, the greater the likelihood that we will survive such challenges alive and well,” said Pabriks, explaining that this is the reason for organizing the conference.

He wished for Ukraine to see the war end with a just peace, as the country is currently being forced into an unjust peace, which he believes is wrong.

As reported, the conference “Ensuring City Operations in Wartime Conditions” is taking place today at Hotel Jūrmala Spa with the participation of Ukrainian experts, the Northern European Policy Center informed the LETA news agency.

The goal of the conference is to develop guidelines and recommendations for Latvia in strengthening societal resilience, based on Ukraine’s experience.