998 647 or 53% of Latvia’s population have completed Covid-19 vaccination course. This means Latvia has come close to the one million threshold, according to data from the National Health Service.
In Estonia 788 829 or 59.31% of the population have received vaccine shots. 756 020 people have completed the vaccination course, which is equal to 56.84% of the population, according to official information from Estonia’s official vaccination portal vaktsineeri.ee.
In Lithuania 1 803 928 residents or 64.3% have received at least one vaccine dose. 1 641 648 (58.8%) have completed the vaccination course, according to Lithuania’s official vaccination portal stat.gov.lt.
Information in Latvia may change again in the coming days because not all medical workers input vaccination data to the database on the same day when the patient is vaccinated.
A person is considered vaccinated if they receive two injections of AstraZeneca, Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna vaccines or J&J vaccine, which requires only one.
Immunity for Covid-19 appears at different times depending on the vaccine used.
An average of 11 576 people were vaccinated every day in Latvia in the last four days (46 301).
So far the highest vaccination index in Latvia was observed in the last week of May – when an average of 57 728 people were vaccinated. The latest numbers may yet change, however, as sometimes vaccination data is provided to the database with a delay of a couple of days.
10 600 people were vaccinated for Covid-19 in Latvia 28 October. This includes 5 153 people who received the first dose, 2 100 who received the second and 2 474 who received Janssen vaccine, which requires only one dose.
873 people received booster shots. Until now booster shots in Latvia were available only to people with a weakened immune system. As of 6 October, however, booster shots are offered to residents 65 years or older, healthcare workers and adult clients of social care and nursing homes. Booster vaccination is done only after six months after receiving the second dose.
According to data from NVD, 8 141 booster shots have been provided to residents in Latvia as of Thursday, 28 October.
1 924 189 vaccinations have been performed in Latvia so far. This includes 917 401 first dose injections and 998 647 complete vaccination courses.
According to data from the Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia, there were 1 882 200 residents in the country at the start of July 2021. This means 60.4% of the population have received at least one vaccine injection and 53% have completed the vaccination course.
There are four Covid-19 vaccines approve for use in the EU: Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Janssen.
Number of vaccinated people in Latvia close to a million. Lithuania and Estonia continue vaccination efforts as well