Riga City Council City Development Committee has supported the proposal to rename Moscow’s Garden into Latgales Park. This will restore the park’s original name.
Now the decision will need to be approved by Riga City Council.
Moscow’s Garden is located between Mazā Krasta, Maskavas, Balvu and Kojusalas streets. Its size is 6.2 ha. Development of the park’s former garden territory commenced in 1937 based on the project developed by Latvian landscape gardener and landscape architect Andrejs Zeidaks. Trees and bushes were planted, a children’s playground and a basin were erected there.
In the past the park was known as Latgales Garden. It was renamed Moscow’s Garden in 1945. In 1965 a Sports Manege was built within the park’s territory along with a parking lot, BNN was told by Riga City Council.
Once the decision has been made, Riga City Council Territory Development Office will have two months to replace direction signs to related infrastructure, culture or tourism objects.
Moscow’s Garden in Riga to be renamed Latgales Park