On Monday, 7 February, weather will be cloudy, and only western territories will have clear sky every now and then. Many parts of Latvia will experience precipitation – at night and morning hours Latvia’s southern territories will experience strong snowfall. Visibility may decline to below 500 m, according to Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre.
In most of the country air temperature will be slightly above 0° C. Wet snow may make mobility very difficult. The weight of snow may also break tree branches. At night the wind will blow from the south. In the morning the wind will blow from the north.
On Tuesday the sky will become clear in some areas of western territories. The rest of Latvia will experience cloudy weather. Snow and wet snow is expected in all of Latvia. Kurzeme will also experience rain. The wind will blow from the north-west and west. In the morning the wind will blow from the south and south-west. Minimal night-time air temperature will be around -2° C… +3° C, whereas maximum daytime air temperature will be +1° C… +5° C. Only eastern territories will experience lower air temperatures, meteorologists report.
On Wednesday meteorologists predict partially cloudy weather. Eastern territories will experience snow and wet snow at night. A new precipitation zone will reach Kurzeme at late afternoon – more snow and wet snow is expected. Wind speed will be slow in most of the country, but in Kurzeme wind speed will be moderate. Minimal air temperature at night will be -1° C… -4° C (0° C… +3° C in Kurzeme) and maximum air temperature during the day will be +1° C… +5° C.
In the second half of the week the amount of clouds will be volatile. On Thursday weather in Latvia is expected to be dry, but come Friday most of Latvia will once again experience both snow and rain. The wind will blow from the south-west. Daytime air temperature will be 0° C… +4° C and night-time air temperature will be 0° C… -5° C. Air temperature will be slightly higher along the coast, meteorologists predict.
Meteorologists also add that at the end of the week there will be more precipitation. Air temperature in western territories is expected between 0° C… +3° C, whereas in eastern territories air temperature will be below 0° C. At night, with the sky clearing, in some eastern territories air temperature may drop to -10° C… -15° C.
Motorists are urged to be careful, as roads will become slippery, meteorologists warn.
Meteorologists predict more snow and wet snow in Latvia this week