This week weather in Latvia will be dictated by cyclones. This means cloudy weather and precipitation – rain, wet snow and snow, according to Latvian State Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre.
On Monday, 4 April, the sky in Latvia will be mostly cloudy. A wide precipitation zone will reach western parts of Latvia in the morning. By the afternoon it will pass through the country’s territory, bringing rain, wet snow. Around the evening some snowing is expected as well. Motorists are urged to be careful, because some roads may become slippery and precipitation may worsen visibility.
The wind will be moderate to moderately strong and will blow from the south-west. Wind speed in most of Latvia will be 15-18 m/sec (20-24 m/sec along the coast).
Air temperature will reach +2° C… +6° C.
Rain, wet snow and snow is expected at night and morning on Tuesday, 5 April. At night the layer of snow may increase by 5-7 cm. A blizzard is also expected. Eastern territories can expect precipitation during the day. Motorists, especially the ones who have already replaced winter tires with summer ones, are urged to be careful. Roads will be slippery and visibility will be poor during precipitation events!
Strong wind is expected on Tuesday – wind speed in the entire country will reach 15-18 m/sec (20-24 m/sec along the coast).
Air temperature during the day and at night will be 0° C… +4° C.
Meteorologists predict that once the cyclone passes, weather will improve slightly on Wednesday. Weather will be cloudy with moments of wet snow. The wind will be slow to moderate and will blow from the south and south-west. Air temperature at night is expected at -1° C… -6° C (+1° C… -4° C along the coast). During the day air temperature will reach +2° C… +6° C.
In the second half of the week a new cyclone will approach Latvia from the west. Similarly to the start of the week, precipitation is expected in all of Latvia. In some areas precipitation is expected to be intense – rain and wet snow. On Thursday the wind will start picking up in strength, reaching a speed of 15-20 m/sec. At night air temperature will be at -2° C… +4° C, whereas daytime air temperature will be +3° C… +8° C.
Cyclone activity is expected to decrease closer to the weekend – the wind will calm down and precipitation will be present only in certain regions. At night air temperature will drop to +2° C… -3° C, whereas daytime air temperature will reach +2° C… +8° C.
Meteorologists predict cold and unpleasant weather in Latvia this week