Similarly to Easter, weather in Latvia will be dictated by high atmospheric pressure area: days will be mostly sunny and dry. Air temperature may reach +15° C at times, according to Latvian State Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre.
On Tuesday, 19 April, the sky will be mostly clear and weather will be mostly sunny and dry. At night there will be slow northern wind. During the day the wind will become stronger and will blow from the north-east and north. At night air temperature will be within +1° C… +3° C (+1° C… +4° C along the coast). Daytime air temperature will reach +10° C… +15° C (+7° C… +9° C in Kurzeme).
On Wednesday, 20 April, the sky will be somewhat cloudy. No precipitation is expected. The day will be windy – the wind will blow from the north-east and north, reaching a speed of up to 14 m/sec in eastern parts of Latvia. The night to Wednesday will be the coldest in the coming days – air temperature will be 0° C… +4° C, whereas daytime air temperature will be +10° C… +15° C (+8° C… +10° C in Kurzeme).
Thursday is expected to be partially cloudy with no precipitation.
The north-eastern and north wind will calm down. At night air temperature will be +3° C… +6° C, whereas daytime air temperature will reach +10° C… +15° C (+7° C… +9° C along the coast in Kurzeme).
According to current forecast, weather will be volatile on the weekend. Wind speed will be slow. The sky will be clear on Friday night and the morning. However, clouds will gradually move in and cover the sky. A precipitation zone will approach Latvia from the east. More precipitation is expected in Latvia’s eastern territories during the weekend. Daytime air temperature will remain relatively high (+10° C… +14° C). However, air temperature will remain relatively low along the coast: +6° C… +9° C. At night, no major changes to air temperature are expected, as it will remain at +3° C… +7° C.
Meteorologists expect air temperature to reach +15° C in Latvia this week