Municipal councils in Latvia will not be allowed to amend legislative drafts submitted to them by the Minister of Environment Protection and Regional Development or the Cabinet of Ministers. This is provided by the proposal submitted by the Ministry of Environment Protection and Regional Development to the Law on Local Governments. On Wednesday, 8 December, the Saeima’s Public Administration and Local Government Committee
This proposal provides municipal councils the right to either pass or reject legislative drafts.
If municipal deputies find any errors in the legislative draft, there will be an option to correct it with help from the ministry.
Saeima deputy Juris Pūce says he approves of this proposal, because it will allow the minister perform a supervisory function.
He said some time ago there was a case when some municipality failed to comply with orders and changed all points of a legislative draft submitted by the ministry, thereby completely changing the point of the proposal.
The aforementioned proposal was passed by the committee. Members also agreed to clarify it before the third reading.
Legislative drafts submitted by Latvian government to be immune to amendments from municipal councils