Latvia’s Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) invites Prosecutor’s Office for Investigation of Criminal Offences in the Service of State Institutions to commence criminal prosecution of a private person for offering a EUR 30 000 bribe to a deputy of Ādaži Council in exchange for a specific vote in election of a new chairman.
The chairman of Ādaži Council was replaced last year after Saeima elections. Māris Sprindžuks, who previously served as the head of the municipality for several years, became Latvia’s Minister of Environment Protection and Regional Development.
Sprindžuks was replaced by Karīna Miķelsone on the 1st of November 2022. Replacement of the council chairman was accompanied by major changes to the ruling coalition, as Latvian Association of Regions terminated cooperation with previous partners, replacing them with Latvian Farmers Union, which was previously in opposition. Representative of the Conservative Party Imants Krastiņš lost his post as vice-chairman because of that. Genovefa Kozlovska replaced him.
Evidence acquired in the pre-trial investigation indicates that the private person offered a bribe to a deputy to have the official vote a certain way to ensure a specific person is elected as the next chairman.
The crime in question was committed on the 5th of October 2022, KNAB reports. The bureau commenced the criminal procedure on the 18th of October 2022. KNAB notes that a person enters criminal liability for bribery the moment a bribe is offered.
Investigators say the crime was investigated as a bribe offer. This is why there is no reason to doubt the legality of the vote for Miķelsone. KNAB reports having no information to suggest the vote of 1st November was influenced in any way.
Ādaži Council reports having received no requests from KNAB to permit investigation of the election of the current head of the municipality, nor does the council have any information that would put her election into question. Current and former municipal deputies interviewed about this story claim having no information about this case and admit having signed a non-disclosure agreement.
The bureau does not mention if the deputy who was offered the bribe was the one who reported it to KNAB. It is likely this is exactly what happened.
KNAB notes that in such situation it is important to keep in mind the following steps: refuse the bribe, but no immediately; ask for time to think and then immediately inform KNAB.
Also read: Latvian corruption watchdog reports surprising accomplishments
Latvia’s corruption watchdog reports Ādaži Council deputy received EUR 30 000 bribe