In March 2023 Latvian State Revenue Service’s (VID) Tax and Customs Police submitted to the Tax and Customs Affairs Prosecution Office a request for criminal prosecution of four people for payment of envelope wages worth more than EUR 3 million, as confirmed by VID public relations office.
VID notes that the pre-trial investigation determined that a company was paying it employees unregistered wages between January 2017 and March 2019. The amount paid is at EUR 3.7 million. On top of that, the company dodged the payment of taxes worth approximately EUR 3 million.
As part of the criminal procedure, authorities also commenced two processes on application of coercive measures on legal persons. VID has also applied six arrests on private property. This includes owned capital shares and real estate.
VID reminds – no person is considered guilty until his or her guilt has been proven in accordance with the law.
VID also invites residents to report cases of ‘envelope wages’ by calling VID anonymous trust line or by writing to VID e-mail ([email protected]).
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Latvian State Revenue Service requests criminal prosecution for «envelope wage» payments