The Ministry of the Interior in Latvia plans to increase wages of workers of the interior sector and Prison Administration officials who hold rank.
The report prepared by the ministry mentions that making wages of police officers, border guards, fire fighters and Prison Administration officials who hold service rank more competitive is one of the most important issues for stable and sustainable service.
It is especially important, considering the current geopolitical situation, Russia’s military aggression in Ukraine and growing geopolitical risks.
At the same time, there are important factors like high corruption risk, restrictions imposed for the duration of service, constant psycho-emotional tension, increased requirements for health and physical fitness.
Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) previously mentioned that low wage is a factor that contributes to risk of corruption, and there are many posts in the interior sector that are at risk of corruption. According to KNAB’s evaluation of the corruption risk, in State Police, for example, 15% of officials are subjected to high corruption risk and 45% – to medium corruption risk.
To prevent corruption risks, KNAB recommends reviewing wage policy in law enforcement institutions to ensure people employed in posts sensitive to corruption receive wages appropriate to their duties.
Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) has proposed providing police and border guards with more decent and dignified pay, which, according to the group, is an anti-corruption measure itself.
The need to resolve the issue of pay is also indicated by the negative trend observed for vacant posts, which continue increasing in number year after year.
One exception is the Internal Security Bureau (IDB), in which wages are relatively higher when compared to other interior affairs services.
In State Police, for example, average monthly wage before taxes was EUR 1 137 last year. In the State Border Guard it was EUR 964 and in the State Fire and Rescue Service it was EUR 922.
Ministry of the Interior together with Ministry of Justice has developed proposals for an increase of wages in 2023 – 2025, making sure that every year wages are increased 10% when compared to base monthly wage costs in 2022, which are calculated using the average number of active posts in the interior sector in 2021.
If allocation of additional financing is approved, the Ministry of the Interior will propose amendments to regulations that govern the wage and bonus pay system, as well as minimal monthly wage amounts for groups.
The report mentions detailed estimates of monthly wage increase across wage groups, as well as estimates of other forms of additional pay.
Considering the aforementioned, the Ministry of the Interior proposes to the government to approve the proposal for the increase of remuneration for officials who hold special rank. In this situation the ministry will require EUR 23 990 399 in 2023 and the Ministry of Justice (Prison Administration) will require EUR 3 537 936.
The Ministry of the Interior also asks the government to approve the proposal to increase the capacity of the ministry’s information centre to enhance cyber security. This will require additional financing of EUR 634 129.
The total amount of money for wages and additional jobs in 2023 is estimated at EUR 28 162 464. In 2024 the amount needed to increase wages is estimated at EUR 27 528 335, in 2025 the amount may reach another EUR 27 528 335.
To ensure both ministries have access to necessary financing to afford necessary activities in 2023, 2024 and 2025, the Ministry of the Interior proposes for the government to increase financing as part of budgets of the coming years.
Latvian Ministry of the Interior to request more money to raise wages