There are plans to extend until the end of 2023 the term for the liquidation of the authorities of Riga and Ventspils freeports and foundation of new capital association, according to amendments passed by Saeima’s Economic, Agricultural, Environmental and Regional Policy Committee for the Law of Ports on Tuesday, the 24th of January.
The Ministry of Transport submitted to the committee amendments to the aforementioned law, suggesting certain technical amendments to the transition period and regulations that govern it. The states that Freeport of Riga authority and Freeport of Ventspils authority were to be liquidated by the 31st of December 2022. This term was extended until the 31st of December 2023 using technical amendments.
Members of the Saeima passed this extension.
The Saeima plans to review the legislative draft in the first reading on Thursday, the 26th of January. The second reading is scheduled for the 2nd of February. During the meeting deputies also discussed whether or not the sea port reform needs reviewing. It was decided to address the issue of possible reform improvements at one of the future meetings of the committee.
The Law on Ports came to force in April 2022. This law provides for the Cabinet of Ministers to make a decision on participation in the process to create a capital association to manager the Freeport of Riga.
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Latvian government prepares sea port reform term extension