Latvian Ministry of Transport has developed amendments to the Epidemiological Safety Measures for the Containment of the Spread of COVID-19 Infection. The proposed changes suggest lifting the mandatory requirement for residents to wear protective masks when using public transport services from 15 May 2022 onward, according to information published on the Legislative Acts Public Portal.
Amendments were proposed, considering that the government has already lifted other epidemiological safety measures following the drop of Covid-19 infection risks to a low enough level.
According to the letter from the Ministry of Health posted on the portal, the ministry has no objections to lifting the aforementioned requirement. «We have no objections for this redaction,» the letter mentions.
Most Covid-19 restrictions were lifted in Latvia on 1 April. The only major requirement that remains in force is the mask-wearing regime when using public transport services and when visiting healthcare institutions and lasting social care institutions.
Latvian government plans to lift mask requirement for public transports