Construction workers have almost completed the installation of a temporary barbed wire fence along the Latvian-Belarusian border. Latvia’s Ministry of the Interior has plans to install another 22.8 km of this barbed wire fence.
Provision State Agency’s press representative Vendija Pikše-Kučma says there is still 1.6 km of the fence left to install. Work is planned to be completed on Friday, 26 November.
The initial term for completion of construction work was 6 December.
Ministry of the Interior press-secretary Dimitrijs Trofimovs confirms that, according to information from the State Border Guard, there are locations which may require installation of additional barbed wire fences. There are plans for another 22.8 km of fence along the Latvian-Belarusian border.
Read also: Latvia puts together a team of border guards and police to assist Poland
The ministry will prepare a report for the government regarding this proposal. This means it is unknown how much money it may cost.
As it is known, Latvia’s government plans to build a permanent fence later on. Recently Latvia’s government approved and the Saeima passed a legislative draft prepared by the Ministry of the Interior. This legislative draft provides for entrusting the construction of relevant infrastructure along Latvia’s eastern border to Valsts nekustamie īpašumi.
Considering the growing pressure from illegal immigration, Latvia’s government decided to declare a state of emergency in Ludza, Krāslava, Augšdaugava and Daugavpils. Originally it was planned to last from 11 August to 10 November, but was later extended until 10 February.
Latvia continues installing fences along its border with Belarus