A total of 2 241 new Covid-19 infection cases were found in Latvia in the last 24 hours. 841 of the patients were either not vaccinated or have not yet completed their vaccination course. 1 400 new patients were vaccinated, however.
The latest public data for Estonia reports 255 756 confirmed coronavirus patients. A total of 1 981 new cases were found in the last 24 hours. 251 Covid-19 patients are undergoing treatment in hospitals.
1 959 people have died from the virus in Estonia so far.
The latest data from Lithuania reports 547 020 confirmed coronavirus cases with an increase of 2 680 new cases in the past day. 1 107 Covid-19 patients are undergoing treatment in hospitals.
The number of deaths caused by coronavirus complications has reached 7 565 in Lithuania.
13 969 Covid-19 tests were performed in Latvia in the last 24 hours, according to data from the Disease Prevention and Monitoring Centre (SPKC), which means the percentage of positive tests in 16%. 4 668 people have died from Covid-19 in Latvia so far and three in the last 24 hours. None of those people were vaccinated. 267 259 people have recovered from Covid-19 in Latvia so far.
SPKC reports that the 14-day cumulative infection index per 100 000 residents is 951.0.
Latvian National Health Service reports 597 Covid-19 patients in hospitals.
Read also: Infectologist: Omicron has increased risks of showing negative Covid-19 test result
Latest Covid-19 cases in Baltics. 2 241 in Latvia, 2 680 in Lithuania, 1 981 in Estonia