SIA Jūrmalas siltums plans to increase the heating tariff in the city by 8.5% starting from 1 February 2022, according to the official entry in the Latvian Herald.
On 20 December 2021 Jūrmalas siltums submitted to the Public Utilities Commission its proposed heating energy tariff plan and justifications for approval.
The current heating energy production tariff is 46.42 EUR/MWh. The heating energy transmission and distribution tariff is 14.05 EUR/MWh and heating sales tariff is 3.11 EUR/MWh. The heating energy end tariff with VAT component is 64.49 EUR/MWh.
The tariff proposed by Jūrmalas siltums for 1 February 2022 to 31 March 2022 is 69.97 EUR/MWh, which is an increase of 8.49%. The heating energy production tariff is proposed at 51.12 EUR/MWh, which is an increase of 10.12%, heating energy transmission and distribution tariff is suggested at 14.83%, which is an increase of 5.55%.
From 1 April 2022 onward the heating energy end tariff is set to increase by another 7.95% and reach 74.38 EUR/MWh.
The heating energy production tariff will be 54.9 EUR/MWh, which is an increase of 9.36%. The heating energy transmission and distribution tariff is planned at 15.46 EUR/MWh, which is an increase of 5.31%.
The existing tariff changes are related to the ongoing fuel price changes.
Proposals and recommendations regarding the tariff project can be submitted to Jūrmalas siltums in handwritten or electronic form and the Public Utilities Commission following the publication in the Latvian Herald.
Jurmala plans to increase heating tariff by 8.5% next year