Now is the perfect time for residents to express gratitude to medical workers and everyone else doing what they can to stifle the pandemic. The author of #paldiesTev campaign Elizabete Mežule suggests residents light heart-shaped lamps in their windows.
The author explains: «I couldn’t go do sleep one night. I was thinking how bad things have become. What can we do to make things better? Facebook comment wars don’t help. Neither does getting angry or ignoring the problem. Every now and then I tell people ‘thank you’ for the work they do in spite of the difficulties. So the thought kept me awake when I remembered a campaign last year – when residents were urged to walk out on balconies, open windows and applaud to medical workers for the work they do. Now I want to continue the heart topic. Flowers are not something people keep, but lamps and paper are things most people have at home.»
«I invite people to make a heart-shaped lamp frame. Paper, flowers, plasticine can be used too. Put it up on your window as gratitude to medical workers, police officers, security guards and all other people who do their jobs in this difficult time.»
The author of this initiative invites residents to put up a blinking thank you at their windows for a whole week 1st – 7th November.
At the same time, residents are invited to share their «thanks» on social media using #paldiesTev. «Invite friends to do the same – help light vanquish the dark,» writes Elizabete.
In conclusion she urges: «Light pushes away the dark, doesn’t it? When everything is so dark, I want to be the light that shines to warm other people’s lives!»
Initiative! Light a heart-shaped lamp as thanks to medical workers