Influenza infection rates remain high in Latvia

Influenza infection rates remain high in Latvia, whereas Covid-19 infection rate remain comparatively low, as concluded in monitoring data composed by the Disease Prevention and Control Centre (SPKC).

The intensity of flu infections decreased slightly to 312.6 cases per 100 000 residents, which is less than the week before, when the intensity was 352.8, as noted by SPKC.

Since the beginning of the season, cases of influenza infections have been found in all age groups, but last week the infection rate decreased slightly among children in the age group 0-14 years. Among adults, on the other hand, infection cases remained at an average level.

Last week, 218 patients were diagnosed with influenza, which is 28 patients fewer than a week prior.

113 patients were diagnosed with pneumonia, which is two patients more than a week prior. 1 201 patients were diagnosed with other acute upper respiratory tract infections.

Influenza cases were recorded in eight monitoring areas last week. The highest intensity of influenza has been registered in Liepaja. Other cases of influenza have been registered in Riga, Jurmala, Jekabpils region, Gulbene region, Daugavpils, Jelgava and Rezekne.

Last week, 578 patients were tested for influenza in hospitals and 110 cases of influenza were confirmed. Currently, influenza A-virus is the predominant influenza virus in Latvia.

There have also been five reported deaths of patients with a confirmed influenza infection in the past week. All patients were over 50 years of age and had multiple chronic diseases and risk factors.

On the other hand, there is a downward trend in the incidence of Covid-19. Last week, 814 Covid-19 tests were performed, which is less than the week before, when 1 102 tests were performed. Of these, Covid-19 infection was confirmed in 3.4% of cases, the lowest rate since the start of the season.

A total of 57 patients with Covid-19 infection were treated in hospitals last week, 27 of them with a basic diagnosis of Covid-19. Four deaths of Covid-19 patients have also been recorded in the past week.

SPKC reports that state-funded vaccination for flu is available to all residents.