Influenza epidemic on a rise: infection intensity the highest in Jēkabpils

Influenza infection cases in Latvia continue going up, according to data from the Disease Prevention and Control Centre (SPKC).

Last week, the flu was clinically identified in 349 cases, which is nearly 100 patients more than two weeks earlier. This indicates a high activity of influenza viruses, according to SPKC.

The majority of patients suffering from flu are children under the age of 14.

Flu infection cases were registered in all ten monitoring areas last week. The highest intensity was observed in Jēkabpils.

There have also been eight reports of deaths among patients with confirmed influenza infection. All patients were over 50 years of age and with a number of other diseases and risk factors.

While flu infection cases are on a rise, Covid-19 infections are in decline.

Last week, there were 1 275 Covid-19 tests performed. 25 of them turned out positive.

Last week, 50 patients with Covid-19 infection were treated in hospitals, of which 24 were with a basic diagnosis of Covid-19. Four deaths of Covid-19 patients have also been recorded.

Residents are reminded that state-funded flu vaccination is currently available to every resident. In particular, medical institutions can use the vaccines in their stocks to vaccinate patients outside the risk groups as well.