The rapid increase of Covid-19 infections in Latvia has reduced. However, it is too soon to speak of mortality rates, said infectologist of P.Stradins Clinical University Hospital and University of Latvia Prof. Uga Dumpis in an interview to TV3 programme 900 seconds on 1 November.
«Yes, infection rates have declined. This means restrictions work. Nevertheless, we still expect the number of hospitalized Covid-19 patients to increase this week,» said Dumpis, adding that the situation in hospitals remains tragic, because Covid-19 patients are treated in different hospitals. Some of those hospitals were never intended to admit those patients.
When asked if there is room to discuss possible lifting of certain restrictions after 15 November now that infection rates have reduced, Dumpis said it is too soon to consider. Nevertheless, he said the requirement to wear protective masks should remain for all residents and entertainment and gathering restrictions should remain in force.
Read also: Vaccinated Latvians who experience moderately severe Covid-19 complications may be eligible for compensation
«The vaccination process is currently very rapid, but for us to enjoy a less restrictive lifestyle, we have to reach at least 70% vaccination coverage among all Latvian residents and 90% in risk groups,» adds Dumpis.
The total number of Covid-19 patients in hospitals has increased from 1 464 on Saturday to 1 526 on Sunday.
1 500 Covid-19 patients were previously set as the limit for capabilities of hospitals. As the director of Latvia’s Emergency Medical Service Liene Cipule said this week, «after this threshold regular medicine ends and catastrophe medicine begins». This means other principles when selecting treatment methods and limiting the availability of medical assistance for patients suffering from minor health problems.
At the same time, Latvia’s Ministry of Health continues looking for ways to increase the number of beds for Covid-19 patients.
Infectologist says rapid Covid-19 infection rates have reduced in Latvia