Police from Ogre Police Department of Riga Region State Police detained three persons on suspicion of human trafficking. Over the course of several months these people had been using some woman as a prostitute, as reported by State Police.
According to State Police, as part of a previously commenced criminal procedure police in Ogre detained the possible organiser of the group on 2 June. The suspect is a 1966-born women, who essentially served as the group’s pimp.
Police also detained a 1999-born man, who is believed to be an accomplice. A day later police detained the third member of the group – 1986-born woman.
Information uncovered in the investigation indicates the organiser used psychological influence and deception to involve the victim in prostitution.
The victim was lied to and promised financial benefits in the future. However, at the same time she was forced to give away all the money she earned to the organiser.
As reported by State Police, the victim lived in a rented apartment together with the organiser and her accomplice. Her passport as taken away and she was influenced physically.
Police have commenced a criminal procedure for human trafficking if committed by a group of persons according to a prior agreement. This is punishable with deprivation of liberty for a period of three and up to twelve years, with or without confiscation of property and with or without probationary supervision for a period of up to three years.
The 1966-born woman is under arrest, whereas the other two suspects are under police monitoring.
State Police report this crime was uncovered during investigation of a different crime the 1966-born woman may have also committed.
Police in Ogre are currently investigating large-scale fraud. According to information available to the police, the possible prostitution organiser – Valija Reine – may have also cheated three other people.
It is possible she may have cheated several other people and may have involved them in illegal activities as well. Valija Reine may have acted as an employee of the prosecutor’s office or a lawyer named Jana, as reported by Latvian State Police.
The suspect – Valija Reine. She may have cheated at least three other people. If you recognize this person or have information that may be valuable to the investigation, contact Latvian State Police by dialling 110 or 65002402 or by e-mail: [email protected] Photo: Latvian State PoliceBecause the number of victims of this criminal group may be even larger, State Police invite residents to have a look at the suspect’s photo. People who may have fallen victim to her should contact the police and report whatever information they have!