Funerals, weddings and baptisms – how is it possible to organize such events during the period of tight restrictions? Latvia’s Ministry of Justice offers explanations.
Latvia’s government has declared a four-week lockdown. Until 15 November Latvia will be under tight epidemiological restrictions to reduce the spread of Covid-19. Registration of marriage is permitted. However, the number the people present at such ceremonies is to be limited to the two participants and two adult witnesses.
Officials of the Registry Office or clergymen are required to have a valid Covid-19 vaccination or recovery certificate.
Funeral ceremonies will be permitted to take place only outdoors and with no more than 20 participating people. Aside from the people organizing the process, baptisms will be limited to no more than ten people from two households.
At the same time, the Ministry of Justice reminds residents of the importance of wearing protective masks during wedding registration, baptism ceremony or funeral. It is also important to follow all other epidemiological requirements: social distancing, hygiene, etc.
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During the lockdown (21 October – 15 November) Marriage Registration Offices are to provide most services remotely. Only the services that are impossible to do remotely are permitted to be held normally with respect of all epidemiological safety precautions.
How to organize funerals, weddings and baptisms in Latvia during the lockdown? Ministry of Justice explains