Heating tariffs in Jelgava municipality’s Ozolnieki, Āne and Brankas will increase considerably on 21 October, as reported by Latvian Public Utilities Committee (SPRK).
In Brankas heating energy production, transmission and sales tariff will increase from 49.52 EUR/MWh to 97.46 EUR/MWh, which is nearly 97% higher. In Ane the tariff increase will be 95%.
From 21 October onward the tariff will be 101.93 EUR/MWh instead of the current 52.24 EUR/MWh.
The heating tariff is also expected to increase in Ozolnieki as well, where it is currently 56.52 EUR/MWh. In October it will increase 35%, reaching 76.35 EUR/MWh.
SPRK explains in Ozolnieki heating energy is produced using wood chips and natural gas. This means heating tariff rise there is lower when compared to Āne and Brankas, where heating energy production uses only natural gas. The price of natural gas has increased 3.6 times and the price of wood chips – by 22.9%.
«Considering that SIA Ozolnieki KSDU holds a permit to establish its own heating energy tariffs, if the price of fuel goes down, the company has a duty to present users a lower heating energy tariff,» explains SPRK chairman Alda Ozola.
Ozolnieki KDSU submitted the tariff estimate to SPRK on 17 September. The commission, after evaluating the submitted documents, concluded the proposed tariffs are justified and fit the approved calculation method.
«SPRK invites heating service provider Ozolnieki KSDU to cooperate with apartment building managers to find the most appropriate solution for each territory in order to reduce heating energy costs for this year’s heating season,» notes Ozola.
SPRK notes that the prices of natural gas a fuel are up in all European countries, including Latvia. This leaves a significant impact on heating energy production costs.
According to current trends observed on the natural gas market suggest the price of gas may reduce in spring 2022.
Heating tariffs in some areas of Latvia have reportedly doubled