Half of Latvia’s population have completed the vaccination course, according to the latest data from the National Health Service.
So far 45% of 849 000 residents in Latvia have received at least one Covid-19 vaccine injection so far. 756 000 of them have received the second injection and another 185 000 have been vaccinated using Johnson & Johnson vaccine Janssen, which requires only one dose. This means the number of residents who have completed the vaccination course in Latvia has reached 941 000 or 50% of the population.
In Estonia, meanwhile, 58.06% or 771 547 residents have received at least one vaccine dose. 728 023 of them have completed their vaccination course, which is equal to 54.78% of the population, according to data from Estonia’s official Covid-19 vaccination portal vaktsineeri.ee.
In Lithuania 1 779 779 residents have received at least one vaccine dose, which is equal to 63.7% of the population. 1 643 991 or 58.8% of the population have completed the vaccination course, according to Lithuania’s official vaccination portal stat.gov.lt.
Including first injections and J&J vaccine injections, the number of recipients in Latvia has reached 1.03 million people in the last couple of days. 2 600 people or 0.14% of the population have received a booster shot of Covid-19 vaccine so far. According to medical specialists, the third shot of Covid-19 vaccine, or booster shot, is recommended to people suffering from weakened immune system and seniors.
Following the order from the Latvian government on making vaccination compulsory for many different professions, vaccination activity in Latvia remains rather high. 9 393 people received Covid-19 vaccine injections on Monday, 18 October. Last week the average number of people vaccinated daily last week was 11 000.
Read also: Latvia to go under «strict lockdown» for four weeks
Yesterday 9 393 people in Latvia received Covid-19 vaccine injections. This includes 5 050 people who received the first jab and 4 103 who completed the vaccination course. This also includes 2 588 people who were vaccinated using Janssen vaccine, which requires only one dose, according to data from NVD.
The State Council of Immunization suggests people who were vaccinated using Janssen vaccine should opt for a booster shot using Comirnaty or Spikevax.
There are four Covid-19 vaccines approved for use in the European Union: Comirnaty, Vaxzevria (prev. AstraZeneca), Spikevax (prev. Moderna) and Janssen.
Half of Latvia’s population vaccinated for Covid-19. What’s the situation in Lithuania and Estonia?