In response to the rapid climb of Omicron variant of Covid-19 and the workload this means for healthcare institutions, as well as the fact that residents’ need to receive remote consultations from medical workers in other emergencies has increased, it has been decided to keep the family doctor consultation hotline active all day round every day, as confirmed by Latvian Emergency Medical Service.
Residents can dial 66016001 if they have no option to meet with their regular practitioner but they still need medical advice in the event of an emergency and they don’t know what to do.
Operators will provide advice in situations involving small injuries, sudden illness or exacerbation of chronic diseases, including:
cold, fever;
vomiting, diarrhoea;
back pains;
ear or neck pain;
cuts, abrasions, bruises, sprains;
exacerbation of chronic diseases;
and if residents have doubts if they should call 113 or not.
NMPD reminds that operators of the advisory hotline provide advice in situations when residents experience acute health problems. The opinion of the family doctor hotline operator is not comparable to the service and opinion provided by an actual family doctor. Unfortunately, residents often call this hotline and ask questions operators are unable to answer.
To avoid overloading the hotline, NMPD reminds that hotline operators:
do not issue prescriptions;
do not open/close sick-leave certificates;
do not review or change medicines or dosage prescribed by family doctors;
do not issue referrals for sample collection or physical examinations, Covid-19 infection included;
do not analyse test results and results of examinations (blood analysis, x-rays, ultrasonography, etc.);
do not evaluate diagnoses declared by the attending physician;
do not issue contact information or addresses of medical institutions.
There have also been situations when the caller’s reported problem could not be resolved without a family doctor or medical specialist.
In such cases hotline operators will recommend turning to their attending physician. If the caller’s complaint is serious enough to put their health or life at risk, the call will be forwarded to 113 emergency hotline of Latvia’s Emergency Medical Service.
More information about the nearest healthcare institutions in which residents can access medical assistance in the event of illnesses or small injuries can be found at the website of Latvia’s National Health Service ( or by dialling the service’s information hotline 80001234.
Residents are also invited to look at recommendations composed by P. Stradins Clinical University Hospital’s medical specialists so that it is possible to commence Covid-19 treatment at home (
Family doctor consultation hotline to be active all day round in Latvia