In Estonia, new epidemiological rules over the surge in new Covid-19 cases have been introduced. The country’s Chancellor of Justice has evaluated that the restrictions are justified by the goal of avoiding the overwhelming of hospitals by Covid-19 patients, ERR reports.
On Monday, October 25, Estonian Chancellor of Justice Ülle Madise took part in a sitting of the Riigikogu’s social affairs committee. According to her, the imposed restrictions and rules are legitimate and justified in the attempt of reducing the excessive patient burden on hospitals.
«We have always been on a position that rights and freedoms are balanced with obligations. Secondly, we must only impose restrictions that have a legitimate effect toward our goal,» Estonian Chancellor of Justice evaluated. «Thanks to the availability of vaccines now, the main goal is avoiding hospitals getting overburdened – restrictions need to be implemented to avoid hospitals getting overburdened. The established orders are to be followed, even if people do not like it. If restrictions have been imposed, the state must also ensure that they are compiled with,» Madise noted to legislators.
Read also: Estonia’s new, stricter Covid rules to be in force until January 10
Since Monday in the Baltic country, new rules limit access to public places and events to people with the EU digital Covid-19 certificate proving negative coronavirus test results. The obligation to wear a mask will become stricter and the access of unvaccinated adults to entertainment, culture and eating or drinking at restaurants and bars will be restricted, among others, ERR reports.
Estonian rights chancellor deems new restrictions justified