Electricity price for the Estonian price area in the Nord Pool exchange is expected to reach an average of EUR 269.82 on Monday, December 20, after a much lower price – EUR 88.01 the day before, Estonian public broadcaster ERR reports.
On Monday, it is expected that the price will be highest between 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. reaching EUR 468 per megawatt-hour. In certain periods – between 9 a.m. and 11 a. and between 4 p.m. and 7 p.m – prices would exceed EUR 400 per MWh.
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The last daily average price record for the electricity price in Estonia has set on December 7, with the market price of electricity hitting EUR 469.03 per MWh.
The average price for November was EUR 116.78, which was up to 2.8 times higher from a year ago when the monthly average was just EUR 40.99. Prior to 2021, the record price of electricity in the Estonian price area was EUR 124.77 per MWh on July 20, 2014, ERR reports.
Estonia sees electricity price surge from Sunday to Munday