French President Emmanuel Macron showed off his muscles on Wednesday, the 20th of March, by publishing photos of his strength in action. The images, shared by his official photographer on Instagram, reflect Macron’s recent change of stance towards Russia, from dove to hawk, reports the British broadcaster BBC.
Following the publication of the photos of President Macron’s boxing, social networks were abuzz with references to the film Rocky and discussions about possible improvements of the photos. Some questioned the size of Macron’s biceps, while others said the photos showed Macron preparing for a fight against Putin.
Last Thursday, speaking on French television, he warned that Russia was trying to extend its power and would not stop now.
“If we leave Ukraine alone, if we let Ukraine lose this war, then Russia will certainly threaten Moldova, Romania and Poland,” he was quoted as saying.
Gaspard Gantzer, a well-known PR expert, told the Nice-Matin newspaper that the President wants the images to show “that he is just a Frenchman like anyone else… that he is in excellent physical shape… that he wants to fight”.
The broadcaster CNews described the photographs of Macron as showing a determined leader, ready to face challenges, with a fierce gaze and ready for battle, “as if he were determined to defeat his enemies”.
The French women’s weekly Femme Actuelle gave a more flattering view, saying that the photographs “hit hard” and also pointed to the biceps.
The photos drew criticism from some quarters in France,
with opposition Green MEP Sandrine Rousseau calling them “the misery of politics” on X. The French newspaper Le Figaro pointed out that, although the posture of the photos seemed to be advantageous, they were a mockery.
Macron is one of those politicians who likes to show off his athletic prowess, a tendency that also boasts President Putin, who has published photos of him riding a horse bare-chested, showing off his strength on the hockey rink and releasing a judo DVD.
Macron has previously made headlines with a very revealing photograph of him in an unbuttoned shirt.
His wife said in November that Macron trained twice a week.
Also read: Macron leaves door open for Western troops in Ukraine
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