The average electricity price in Nord Pool for Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania price zone has increased by more than EUR 100 when compared to June 2021.
The average energy price in Nord Pool’s price zone in Estonia was 173.83 EUR/MWh in June, which is more than EUR 100 more when compared to the same month of 2021, when it was EUR 71.68.
Compared to June 2021, both in Latvia and Lithuania electricity price had increased by more than 140 EUR/MWh last month.
In Latvian and Lithuanian price zone the average price in Nord Pool was 218.29 EUR/MWh and 223.16 EUR/MWh respectively (76.23 EUR/MWh and 77.74 EUR/MWh in June 2021).
In Estonia the average electricity price declined to 205.92 EUR/MWh on Thursday when compared to 288.48 EUR/MWh observed on Wednesday. Electricity price is generally the lowest between 03:00 and 04:00 a.m. – EUR 160. It is the highest between 09:00 and 10:00 a.m., when it exceeds 300 EUR/MWh.
Thursday’s average electricity prices in Latvia and Lithuania will exceed average prices in Estonia – 297.04 EUR/MWh and 307.64 EUR/MWh respectively. In Latvia electricity price will be the highest in the middle of the day, when it reaches 392 EUR/MWh. In Lithuania the price is expected to reach 450 EUR/MWh between 20:00 and 21:00 p.m.
Read also: Fuel price policy in Latvia causes concerns for Estonian transport companies