An official of the Ministry of Welfare Sandra Rucka, her husband Gunāru Ruckis and their daughter Kristīne Rucka have turned to court in attempt to appeal the requirement for compulsory Covid-19 vaccination issued by the government, as confirmed by the ministry.
Rucka is senior expert of the ministry’s social insurance department. She has worked in state administration for more than ten years.
The Administrative District Court plans to review the case 8 November. It will be the first viewed case regarding the government’s issued order on compulsory Covid-19 vaccination for select professions.
The court will check of the requirement for compulsory vaccination is balanced in this particular situation.
Previously chairman of the Administrative Court Ilze Freimane told LTV that the first case will have been reviewed by 15 November, when the condition for all state and municipal institution workers to have a Covid-19 vaccination or recovery certificate comes into force.
The chairman of the court stressed that the administrative court may cancel the requirement only for specific plaintiffs, not all residents in general.
Read also: US endorses vaccinating children aged 5 to 11 against Covid-19
The Constitutional Court has said in the meanwhile that it too has received pleas regarding compulsory vaccination – several dozen so far. However, considering that the requirement for compulsory vaccination is part of an order by the government, not regulations, viewing these cases is not in the competence of the Constitutional Court.
Court of law to look into ministry worker’s complaint about Covid-19 vaccination