Construction work continues expanding within Latvia’s road network. Most of the work is done on regional roads. Motorists are urged to use alternative roads to bypass sections under construction.
The biggest road traffic restrictions are on the section of Riga–Ērgļi (P4) regional road from Riga bypass (A5) all the way until the turn to Tīnūži; Smiltene–Gulbene (P27) regional road from Taure to Gulbene, where temporary traffic lights are already installed. Road traffic restrictions are also in place on Ventspils highway (A10) section from Kūdra until the turn to Smārdi, as BNN was told by Transport Information Centre.
In morning and evening hours traffic congestion may be possible on Jelgava highway (A8), where road traffic from Riga to Jaunolaine is one-lane only.
This week road construction will start on several other road sections: Inčukalns (P10) and Allaži (V58) in Sigulda; two sections on regional road Riga HES-Jaunjelgava (P85); Jaunkalsnava–Lubāna (P82) road.
When planning trips, motorists are urged to look up the map of active construction work on the website of Latvian State Roads, which details the latest updates regarding traffic restrictions on state roads.
The biggest road traffic restrictions are imposed on Ventspils highway (A10) from Kūdras to the turn to Smārde, where road traffic on four sections is organised using temporary traffic lights or traffic regulators. Speed limits are set at 50 to 70 km/h. Motorists can expect to spend up to 50 minutes on the road.
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The biggest traffic restrictions on regional roads are imposed on Riga-Ērgļi (P4) from Riga bypass (A5) to the turn to Tīnūži. The speed limit on six sections of the road is set at 50 to 70 km/h. Motorists can expect to sped up to one hour and 20 minutes on the road. Motorists can use the alternative road Inčukalns-Ropaži-Ikšķile (P10) and the road Ulbroka-Ogre (P5) to avoid the route undergoing construction work.
The section from Taure to Gulbene on Smiltene-Gulbene (P27) road is divided into six sections with speed limit at 50 to 70 km/h. Motorists can expect to spend up to an hour on the road. Road traffic on Butnāri-Saldus-Ezere (P105) section from Kursīši all the way to the Lithuanian border is regulated with three traffic light sections. The speed limit is set at 50 km/h. Motorists can expect to spend up to 50 minutes on the road.
Construction activity continues expanding on roads in Latvia