Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov announced on Sunday, the 28th of April, that he had appointed his teenage son Adam Kadyrov, who beat up a prisoner last year, as “curator” of the Russian Special Forces University named after President Vladimir Putin, reports Reuters.
Adam Kadyrov, who turned 16 in November, was also appointed as his father’s chief bodyguard and observer in a new battalion of the Russian Defence Ministry’s armed forces last year.
“He is well acquainted with the activities of the famous university, so I believe he will cope perfectly with the duties entrusted to him,” Kadyrov wrote in a statement on Telegram.
He added that the appointment was made at the request of the head of the university in the Chechen city of Gudermes.
The Russian private educational institution provides professional training for special units.
BNN has already reported that in September, a video emerged on social networks showing Adam Kadyrov beating a prisoner accused of burning the Koran. Kadyrov said he was proud of the boy for defending his religion, but the beating drew criticism even from pro-Kremlin supporters.
Kadyrov has ruled Chechnya, a Russian federal republic, since 2007 and has sent thousands of his fighters to Ukraine since the start of the Russian invasion in February 2022.
Also read: VIDEO | Kadyrov proud of son for beating prisoner
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