Unemployment levels continue dropping in Latvia
In April 2022 actual unemployment rate in Latvia constituted 6.8 %, and, compared to March, it has decreased by 0.3 percentage points. In…
In April 2022 actual unemployment rate in Latvia constituted 6.8 %, and, compared to March, it has decreased by 0.3 percentage points. In…
The cross-border flow of trucks in Latvia is still regulated «manually». This means vehicles arrive and wait in a queue. This is why…
On Thursday, 19 May, the Saeima supported the government’s decision to extend the state of emergency on the Latvian-Belarusian border. The approved changes…
Latvian State Audit reports that the report on Ministry of the Interior 2021 annual account underlined multiple capacity problems at multiple institutions that…
Agriculture is one of the sectors that is impacted the most by the Russian-Ukrainian war. Many countries around the world report shortage of…
In a situation of growing global economic crisis and complications caused by the war, replacing a minister that is responsible for resolving very…
On Tuesday, 17 May, the Saeima’s Budget and Finance Committee conceptually passed amendments to the Law on Gambling and Lotteries. These amendments provide…
Compared to the same period of 2021, Latvia’s GDP in Q1 2022 turned out more rapid that the average in the European Union,…
In March 2022 the number of foreign and resident visitors comprised 108.8 thousand, which is 2.3 times more than in March 2021 and…