The shock over the inability or negligence on the side of Latvian police in regards to the recent murder in Jēkabpils has only growth among residents. With new details about the impunity of the perpetrator surfacing, many residents are switching from shock to a complete disappointment in the authority of the government. People ask “how such a thing is even possible here?”
People would not be surprised to learn if – God forbid! – it turns out local police officers allowed the hateful perpetrator continue his deeds not because of inability or professional negligence, but rather “men’s solidarity”.
Politicians lack any useful means to combat such a critical lack of trust from society. Talks are already underway about who should take responsibility and step down.
The link between the bloody crime and the Saeima’s refusal to ratify the Istanbul Convention is invisible only to the blind, it seems. More conservative Latvian politicians see it as a prophet of “gender ideology”, while parties that position themselves as “progressive” insist Latvia’s legislation is in need of a do-over.
Teachers’ strike in Latvia resembles a Pyrrhic victory more and more. The government, according to itself, has completed all demands presented by protesters. The trade union, on the other hand, insists the government will always remain against them, it seems.
When he took office as Minister of Transport, Jānis Vitenbergs wanted to appoint a high school student as his advisor, much to the shock and laughter of many people. This wasn’t the best idea, all things considered. Now businesses that operate from Latvian sea ports are confused with the minister’s decision to appoint an inexperienced lawyer in the Board of Liepaja Special Economic Zone. But was that Vitenbergs’ decision?
More than a year since the start of the Russian aggression and after China’s Xi Jinping expressed him support to [Russian President Vladimir] Putin in Moscow, he finally held a telephone conversation with Ukraine’s president. According to foreign policy experts, China’s regime is interested in the war continuing to weaken Russia, Ukraine and its supporters – all to strengthen China’s might and influence.
Latvia’s Constitution Protection Bureau, meanwhile, decided to calm down Latvia’s residents by doing a bit of analytical work, specifically measure the chances of Russia using its nuclear arsenal.
BNN gives you a summery of the most relevant events of the past week in the following topics: Scapegoat; “Rigid values”; Losses from winning; Provocations; Loyalty first?; Beijing “waking up”; Estonia fuming; All bark no bite?
Latvian minister suggests “someone” should step down after murder in Jēkabpils
Photo: Sara Griffiths/FlickrSomeone should take responsibility and step down in light of the murder of the woman in Jēkabpils, said Minister of Finance and leader of political party Unity Arvils Ašeradens in an interview to Latvijas Radio on Thursday, the 27th of April.
When asked if anyone should take responsibility and step down due to the scandalous murder in Jēkabpils, the minister said he is no expert when it comes to such topics. He did say, however, that “someone” should take responsibility.
“Government representatives often stick to different kinds papers – what we should do here and here. I experience this everyday. Often I see we have lost all sense […] why we were invited to do our jobs,” said Ašeradens, adding that in this case there were people whose duty it was to ensure the woman’s safety.
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Discussion about Istanbul Convention brings Saeima deputy to tears
14th Saeima deputy Leila Rasima. Photo: Edijs Pālens/LETAWhen discussing the opposition of the majority of Saeima deputies in regards to the ratification of the Istanbul Convention, deputy Leila Rasima spoke “holding back tears that such a position shows that women in Latvia are not safe”.
On the 16th of April a woman was stabbed to death in front of her mother and child in Jēkabpils. The murder was committed by the woman’s ex-husband, one Leons Rusiņš. According to available information he had terrorised and persecuted her for months prior to the murder. Police were informed of this but no protection was provided in the end. Rusiņš is wanted by the police, and State Police urge residents to report any information they have about his possible location.
This story caused a massive resonance in the media and society in general. Many residents accuse the police of inaction and negligence of duties that led to this tragic outcome.
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Latvian teachers collect more than 10 000 votes in favour of government’s dismissal
Photo: Evija Trifanova/LETAThe initiative of the Latvian Trade Union of Education and Science Employees (LIZDA) to get the government step down in the event of failure to implement the strike agreement has received 10 017 votes on public initiatives platform in less than two days.
Authors of the initiative say that after looking through legislative acts it was discovered there is no accurate measure to dismiss officials in such situations.
“The initiative is intended to ensure clear responsibility from officials when they fail to implement strike agreements,” as explained in the application attached to the initiative.
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Latvian police predict provocations on the 9th of May
Photo: Ieva Lūka/LETAAlthough there is no information about any increased risks of possible celebrations on the 9th of May in Riga, police still say there could be provocations, according to representatives of State Police and Riga Municipal Police.
Chief of State Police Riga Region Police Department Juris Staļģevics mentioned he cannot say for certain there are no risks for the 9th of May. He said he hopes they will be lower when compared with previous years.
But there will be people who may try to gather and cause provocations for the 9th of May.
Chief of Riga Municipal Police Juris Lūkass said police cooperate with the State Security Service, who also admit that provocations are possible.
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Association of Stevedoring Companies proposes selecting professionals to work in Board of Liepaja port
Ogre County’s deputy executive director Dana Bārbale. Photo: Evija Trifanova/LETAThe management boards of Latvia’s large sea ports have changes ahead: two ministers – Minister of Environment Protection and Regional Development (VARAM) Māris Sprindžuks and Minister of Transport Jānis Vitenbergs have decided to replace their representatives. However, while VARAM has chosen experienced businessmen to work at Riga and Ventspils freeports, minister Vitenbergs has chosen lawyers with no experience working at a sea port.
Latvian Association of Stevedoring Companies (LSA) strongly objects to such a decision from the minister. This association proposes choosing an experienced professional to work in the board of Liepāja Special Economic Zone (SEZ).
It is currently planned that Latvia’s Ministry of Transport will be represented in the board of Riga Freeport by the director of the ministry’s Legal Affairs Department Liene Priedīte-Kanēviča. Ogre County’s Deputy Executive Director Dana Bārbale will replace Inese Birziņa in the board of Liepāja SEZ.
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Zelensky talks with Xi; China is “on the side of peace“
Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky. Photo: President Of Ukraine/FlickrUkrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has informed that he had a “long and meaningful conversation” with Chinese President Xi Jinping, and it was the first between the two officials since the beginning of the war, BBC writes.
Zelensky wrote on Twitter after the phone call that he considers the conversation with Xi and the appointment of the ambassador to work in Beijing as a strong stimulus for the development of interstate relations. China confirmed that the conversation had taken place and said it had “always been on the side of peace”.
During Xi’s visit to Moscow in April, Zelensky invited him to visit Kyiv as well, noting that Ukraine and China maintained contact before February 2022. In the description of the call that took place on Wednesday, the 26th of April, Xi was quoted as saying that
China, as a responsible country, neither looks at the flames nor adds fuel to them, let alone take advantage of the crisis to profit”. Xi’s statement sounds like a nod to the US, which has supplied Ukraine with weapons since the beginning of the war.
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Kallas: No alternatives to raising taxes proposed
Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas. Photo: Flickr/Stenbocki majaEstonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas has stated that the widespread criticism of tax increases is understandable, but no better solutions have been proposed, writes ERR News.
Kallas pointed out that the government was anticipating sharp criticism before announcing its decision. The Prime Minister said: “This outrage is completely understandable. When I realized that we had to make such difficult decisions, I didn’t sleep for several nights in a row. And knowing what was coming, I also told my team to put on their helmets and their bulletproof vests, because now the criticism is going to come from all sides and it is not going to be gentle. And so it has been.” She added that she understood the anger, but there were no alternatives. Kallas stated that she is open to new ideas, but no one has suggested them so far.
“The same opposition that criticizes, keeps introducing new bills to increase subsidies and writes in the line where the money comes from that the Ministry of Finance will do the analyses. By today, it should be clear to everyone that any increase in subsidies still comes out of the taxpayer’s pocket and you have to say what one thing or another will cost the taxpayer in the end,” noted Kallas.
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Latvia believes the possibility of Russia using nuclear arms is minimal
Photo: Jacques Barbery/FlickrThe Constitution Protection Bureau (SAB) has published an analytical assessment of Russia’s nuclear policy. BNN offers a look at this report.
Since the start of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine there this country’s nuclear arms rhetoric has been in the focus of the public. SAB believes Russia’s nuclear rhetoric is mainly used as a tool to exact influence on the West and Ukraine in order to have them cave in to Russia’s demands, including putting an end to supporting Ukraine.
Kremlin has used nuclear rhetoric for this purpose in the past and the moment Ukraine started gaining victories on the battlefield, it gave them a reason to double down.
However, SAB believes the possibility of Russia using nuclear arms is minimal.
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BNN SUMMARY OF THE WEEK: Participation, not negligence? Istanbul bubble. “Burning” deadline.