This week weather in Latvia will be dictated by a high atmospheric pressure area – weather will remain dry and sunny. The wind will be slow to moderate. Nights will remain cold but days will be appropriately warm. Weather will start getting colder in the second half of the week, according to Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre.
A 29 cm thick layer of snow remains in Aluksne, whereas areas where snow has already melted are at risk of grass fires.
On Monday, 14 March, weather is expected to be somewhat cloudy and fairly dry.
With the slow wind in some areas fog will form at night and disperse around the afternoon. With still-air the quality of air will drop. Daytime air temperature will be between +4° C… +10° C in most of Latvia and a couple of degrees lower along the coast.
Tuesday will be mostly sunny and will pass without precipitation. Slow wind will remain in most of Latvia. Minimal air temperature at night is expected at 0° C… -4° C (-4° C… -9° C in eastern territories). Daytime air temperature will reach +4° C… +10° C.
On Wednesday also the wind will be slow and will blow from the east. The sky will be clear and weather – dry. Night-time air temperature will be +1° C… -4° C (a couple of degrees colder in eastern parts).
With clear sky daytime air temperature will be +3° C… +8° C (+10° C in Kurzeme).
According to the current forecast, anticyclone activity will remain in Latvia in the second half of the week. Meteorologists expect no major weather changes – days will remain sunny, wind will remain slow and no precipitation is expected during the day or at night. Air temperature may drop below 0° C at night. In eastern territories air temperature may drop as far as -10° C. Daytime air temperature will reach +3° C… +8° C.
Air temperature may reach +10° C in Latvia this week