On Wednesday, the 3rd of January, maximum air temperature in Latvia is expected around -9° C along the coast in Kurzeme and -19° C in Alūksne. With the wind blowing, however, it will feel even colder – by about ten degrees.
Meteorologists predict that the speed of eastern winds will reach 11-16 m/sec. Even stronger wind is expected in Kolkasrags.
In many parts of Latvia the sky will be clear. Some cloudy weather is expected in North Kurzeme and southern parts of the country, where some snowing will happen regardless. In the evening slight snowfall will appear in most of the country.
On the 3rd of January there will be clear sky in Riga. Some snow is expected in the evening. Eastern wind will blow with a speed of up to 13 m/sec. Air temperature will rise to -13° C, which will feel like -23° C with the wind.
An anticyclone will remain active in the north-east of Latvia. A cyclone will approach from the south-west.
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Air temperature in Latvia falls to -13° C; feels like -23° C with the wind