Latvian authorities commence criminal proceedings on «Baltic antifascists» for assisting Russia

On 28 November Latvia’s State Security Service (VDD) commenced criminal proceedings against persons calling themselves «Baltic antifascists» for their anti-governmental activities on channels on Telegram social network, as reported by VDD.
On the Telegram channels in question VDD found information on Latvian officials and other publicly well-known people who have an anti-Russian stance. At the same time, these channels also included sensitive information: about those people’s family members and home addresses.

The so-called antifascists state they plan to hand this information to Russian special services and other institutes of the aggressor state in order to take action against those people.

VDD commenced the criminal proceedings in accordance with Section 81.1 of the Criminal Law.
Information available to VDD indicates that Latvian citizens who currently live in Russia are engaged in anti-governmental activities. VDD believes Russia is using these people for purposes of propaganda and influence operations against the Republic of Latvia. The main objective of these activities in influencing public opinions and decision-making processes in Latvia, exacting psychological pressure on Latvian officials, as well as other publicly well-known people whose political views are against Russia’s aggressive war in Ukraine.
VDD has identified the identity of Latvian citizens engaged in anti-governmental activities. If these people return to Latvia, they will be prosecuted in full extent of the law, VDD stresses.