28 November will mark the coming into force of a new tariff of Rīgas siltums JSC (RS). This new tariff will be 183.86 EUR/MWh, which is 7.8% higher when compared to the tariff adopted in October.
The tariff was analysed and approved by the Public Utilities Commission (SPRK). Households will be provided with state support automatically, as it will be added to their heating bill. This means households will have to pay 112.39 EUR/MWh (excluding VAT) starting with 28 November.
The tariff will be increased because of the increased cost of fuel and procured heating energy. On top of that, in September 2022 SPRK informed that heating tariffs may yet change due to the need to secure additional stores of wood chops, as well as considering the increasing costs of heating energy procured from independent heating energy manufacturers.
This will be the fifth time this year when the heating energy tariff changes in Riga.
Rīgas siltums JSC is the largest heating energy provider in Latvia. 27% of heating energy provided to its clients is generated by this company using wood chips and natural gas, whereas 73% comes from independent heating energy providers.
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