On Thursday, 27 October, members of the 13th Saeima will gather for the final meeting of the current parliament.
As reported by Saeima’s press-service, the meeting will start off with a speech from European Parliament’s chairperson Roberta Metsola, who is on a visit to Latvia.
Members of the parliament plan to discuss amendments to the Labour Law, which provide for setting the minimal monthly wage at EUR 620 starting with 2023 and EUR 700 starting with 2024.
As previously reported, currently the minimal wage in Latvia is EUR 500. In Estonia it is EUR 654 and EUR 730 in Lithuania.
The 13th Saeima will also view amendments to the Criminal Law and Road Traffic Law that will introduce criminal liability for drunk driving.
Additionally the parliament plans to review in the final reading amendments that provide for annulling Latvian MEP’s mandate if he or her are found guilty of a crime.
The Mandates, Ethics and Submissions Committee will ask the parliament to include on the agenda the report on members of the Saeima subject to administrative liability in September and October.
The final meeting of the 13th Saeima will ommence at 09:30 a.m. and will have six topics on the agenda. At 17:00 p.m. it is planned to hold a Q & A session for officials.
Next week on 1 November the 14th Saeima will gather for their first meeting. A total of seven political parties were elected to the 14th Saeima in the recent parliamentary elections.