Belorusija Sanatorium in Jurmala closes down due to sanctions

Belorusija Sanatorium, which is owned by a state institution of Belarus and which is subjected to international sanctions, has posted an announcement on its website. In it the administration informs that the sanatorium will close down.
It is no longer possible to reach representatives of the sanatorium over the phone. The announcement posted on their website is that due to sanctions the sanatorium is no longer able to welcome new clients.

The sanatorium Jantarnij Bereg [Amber Beach], which is owned by a Russian state institution, is also subjected to international sanctions. The sanatorium is currently closed for reconstruction. The website mentions that due to ongoing repairs the sanatorium is unable to welcome new guests.

The sanatorium’s representatives told LETA that a full renovation of the building is planned. However, repair work has stalled due to unknown reasons and it is impossible to say when work may continue.
According to the sanatorium, no work or activity of any kind is done there. Only on-call staff are present to answer calls.
Belarusija Sanatorium is owned by Belarusian president’s authorised person, which means Aleksandr Lukashenko is the man in charge of this institution.
Jantarnij Bereg is part of Russian President’s Office’s Recovery Complex BOR, which means Vladimir Putin is in charge of it.
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Both sanatoriums are included on the list of Latvia’s Enterprises Register as entities associated with people under international sanctions.