Latvian VID to commence criminal prosecution of one for tax avoidance

In January 2022 Latvian State Revenue Service (VID) Tax and Customs Police sent two criminal procedures to the Tax and Customs Affairs Office of the Prosecutor for the commencement of criminal prosecutor of one person for tax avoidance, as confirmed by VID.
The pre-trial investigation determined that some person, as en entrepreneur in two companies, engaged in public catering, avoided paying taxes in a period between June 2019 and December 2019, causing damages to the state budget in the form of EUR 56 343.
Customers of a public catering company who paid in cash for their meals were issued pre-receipts, which were never registered in cash registers.
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Criminal procedures in January 2022 were sent to the office of the prosecutor for the commencement of criminal prosecution in accordance with Part 2 of Section 2018 of the Criminal Law – tax avoidance.
Criminal prosecution is requested for one person.
Law enforcers remind that no one is considered guilty of committing a crime until his or her guilt has been proven in accordance with the procedure of the Criminal Procedure Law.
Atkrāpies! Is an anti-fraud movement that unites Latvian state administration institutions that battle fraud in different sectors, as well as Latvian residents and organisations that strongly oppose fraud of any kind. More information about the movement at