New bill: who will be banned from travelling to Russia and Belarus?

The National Security Committee of Saeima has prepared a draft law on restricting activities that pose a threat to national security. The bill proposes a travel ban to Russia and Belarus for certain state administration employees, according to the Saeima’s Press Service.

The proposed travel ban aims to prevent or mitigate national security threats posed by Russia and Belarus, as well as ensure the safety and legal interests of state administration employees in circumstances where Latvia has limited ability to protect its citizens abroad.

The travel ban to Russia and Belarus is to be extended to persons who have been granted a special access to the state secrets, who are responsible for the security of critical infrastructure, as well as persons employed by the Ministries of Defense, Interior and Justice and in the subordinate institutions of the respective ministries or ministers, military facilities, the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB), the Tax and Customs Police and customs officials of the State Revenue Service.

The ban will also apply to people employed by the diplomatic or consular service, the courts or prosecutors’ offices.

The subordinate institutions of the Ministry of the Interior are the State Police, the State Security Service, the State Border Guard Service, the State Fire and Rescue Service, the Internal Security Bureau, the Office for Citizenship and Migration Affairs, the State Security Agency, the Information Centre of the Ministry of the Interior, the Health and Sports Centre of the Ministry of the Interior, as well as the health clinic of the Ministry of the Interior.

The institutions subordinate to the Ministry of Justice are the Register of Enterprises, the Insolvency Control Service, the State Land Service, the State Forensic Expertise Bureau, the Prison Administration, the Patent Board, the State Probation Service, the State Language Centre, the Court Administration and the Administration of the Maintenance Guarantee Fund.

Latvia’s critical infrastructure consists of facilities whose operation is essential for the existence of the state and for ensuring the basic needs of society. These include, for example, electricity, water and natural gas supply infrastructure, hospitals, bridges, airports, ports and railway facilities.

“It is no secret that Russia and Belarus are stepping up their intelligence activities against Latvia, and for this purpose, every Latvian national who has crossed their borders is useful. Despite the clear recommendations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the State Security Service not to travel to Russia or Belarus in the interests of both national and personal security, the number of persons leaving the country is increasing,” said Ainars Latkovskis (JV), Chairman of the National Security Commission.

He emphasized that traveling to these countries is extremely dangerous, but many people fail to recognize the risks.

“Intelligence officers of these countries’ special services make contacts with Latvian citizens on their territory, where the operational conditions are more favourable. They are also not hindered by the counter-intelligence activities of the Latvian state security institutions and the authorities of Latvia’s allied countries. All in all, this means that we have very limited possibilities to help Latvian nationals in difficulties in Russia and Belarus,” Latkovskis said.

“By recruiting Latvian nationals, the aggressor state aims not only to obtain information on the internal political processes of the state, planned foreign policy activities and security measures planned and implemented for the normal functioning of the state, but also to involve these persons in other harmful activities, including activities against the interests of the state, or to prevent them from performing their official duties,” the Chairman of the National Security Commission has pointed out.

The proposed ban would also apply to transit travel through Russian and Belarusian territory. However, exceptions would be made for official duties, humanitarian reasons, or other special cases, provided the individual receives prior authorization.

Violating the travel ban would be considered grounds for immediate termination of employment for affected individuals.

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