On Thursday, the 6th of March, the Saeima approved Dace Melbārde (New Unity, JV) as Minister of Education and Science and Reinis Uzulnieks (Union of Greens and Farmers, ZZS) as Minister of Welfare, without holding debates.
Melbārde’s nomination was supported by 54 deputies, while 35 voted against. Meanwhile, Uzulnieks was confirmed with 72 votes in favour and 16 against.
At the same time, Saeima has begun debates on the nomination of Atis Švinka (The Progressives, P) for the position of Minister of Transport.
BNN already reported that Prime Minister Evika Siliņa (JV) initiated a government reset by dismissing three ministers on the 21st of February: Kaspars Briškens (P) – Minister of Transport, Anda Čakša (JV) – Minister of Education and Science, Uldis Augulis (ZZS) – Minister of Welfare. Their tenure officially ended on the 26th of February.
ZZS nominated Reinis Uzulnieks, Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Welfare, as the new Minister of Welfare. JV put forward Dace Melbārde as the new Minister of Education and Science.
The Progressives have decided to nominate Atis Švinka, a Saeima deputy and Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Defence, for the Minister of Transport position.