The sky will be cloudy in the middle of the week. Moments of clear sky are still possible, however. On Wednesday, the 18th of December, precipitation, mostly snow and wet snow, will come to some eastern areas. A wide precipitation zone will pass through the country from the west, bringing rain to most of the country and wet snow and snow in eastern parts of the country, as reported by Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre.
The wind will blow from the west and north-west, reaching a speed of 15-19 m/sec (up to 20-22 m/sec along the coast). Air temperature at night will drop to +1° C… +6° C (0° C… -1° C in north-east parts of the country). Daytime air temperature will reach +2° C… +7° C.
Precipitation will be intense in the coming days – rain or wet snow in most of the country, and snow in the east. Roads will be slippery! Fog may impact visibility in eastern parts of the country on Thursday, the 19th of December. The wind will blow from the south-west and south and will remain strong. In Kurzeme and Vidzeme, wind speed may reach 15-19 m/sec. Air temperature will remain mostly positive. On the night to Thursday, however, air temperature in eastern parts of Latvia may drop to 0° C… -2° C.
Weather conditions will remain similar this weekend – precipitation in many parts of the country, mostly rain. Air temperature will not change much.
The wind will remain strong, especially along the coast.
The first days of next week will remain rainy. Air temperature will stay positive as well. This means Christmas is unlikely to be white in most of Latvia this year.