Coverage of damages caused by thunderstorm in Latvia may cost up to seven million euros

The total estimated volume of funding from the budget for emergencies to cover damages caused by the recent thunderstorm in Latvia ranges between EUR 5.34 million and EUR 7 million, according to the report “The current situation with losses caused by the storm of the 7th of August in municipalities” prepared for the Latvian government’s meeting scheduled for the 5th of September.
Data compiled by the Ministry of Environment Protection and Regional Development (VARAM) indicates that damage caused by the storm was surveyed for 66 buildings owned or managed by administrations in 12 municipalities and will require EUR 3 707 994. Of this amount EUR 2 162 372 is needed for the restoration of Jaunpils Castle.

In nine Latvian municipalities damages were also found for 73 local road infrastructure objects. Their restoration is estimated to cost EUR 593 362.

In five municipalities experts found damages to other kinds of infrastructure objects, such as electricity infrastructure, Riga Zoological Garden’s various animal shelters, fences, graves, various environment objects. Repairs will cost EUR 168 973.

At the same time, in 11 municipalities the thunderstorm also caused damages to 2 284 dwellings. Repairs are estimated to cost EUR 4 257 332. This includes EUR 2 411 820 in Dobele alone.

To cover the losses caused by the storm, the Latvian government plans to provide co-financing in the amount of not less than 50% for the support provided in a crisis situation and for the renovation of dwellings (private houses and apartment houses), except for cases when the amount of losses caused exceeds 2% of the planned budget expenditure of the local government in the current year.
The report stresses that the damages caused by the storm differ between municipalities – there are municipalities in which damage was caused to less than five properties and there are also municipalities in which damage was caused to more than 800 private properties. This affects municipalities’ ability to survey all objects caused by the storm, perform photographic records of damages and prepare necessary decisions. The volume of construction waste differs between municipalities. Municipalities impacted the most have greater difficulty with construction waste, as transportation takes more time.
Requests submitted by municipalities for funding from the budget for emergencies to cover the damages caused by the storm on the 7th of August are planned to be compiled in two parts. The first part is planned to be submitted by the 8th of September and the second – by the 13th of October.
The report also mentions that VARAM will review all documents submitted by municipalities within two weeks. Once the ministry finishes this process, requests will be submitted to the government for approval.
Also read: Latvian government will financially support residents recovering from recent thunderstorm