14th Saeima elections are on in Latvia; citizens able to vote 07:00 to 20:00

This morning, 1 October, 949 election sites opened up in Latvia for 14th Saeima elections. Election sites will remain open until 20:00 p.m.
There are also 81 election sites in foreign countries – some of them opened up hours ago, but others will open up according to local time.
According to data from the Central Election Commission (CVK), more than 24 000 people or 1.56% of registered voters cast their votes in the first hour of elections.

With the number of people who handed in their votes in advance, the number of voters who have already voted is 87 400 or 5.67% of registered voters.

This week residents were able to hand in their votes in advance. According to available data, general turnout so far has been higher than four years ago – 63 342 or 4.11% of registered voters have used the right vote early so far.
Compared to elections four years ago, in three days of early elections 33 791 or 2.18% of registered voters in Latvia handed in their votes in advance.
According to CVK, voters who hand their votes in advance have the right to change their mind and come again on election day and change their vote.

There are 19 lists of candidates registered for the 14th Saeima elections. On these lists are 1 829 candidates competing for 100 seats in the parliament.

1 164 or 63.6% of candidates are men and 665 or 36.4% are women. 1 365 or 74.6% of candidates have higher education, 431 or 23.6% have secondary education, and 33 or 1.8% have primary education.
The order in which voting ballots are organised is this:
New Unity
Latvian Russians Union
Union of Greens and Farmers
People’s Servants for Latvia
Sovereign Power
Christian Progressive Party
For Stability!
People’s Power!
United for Latvia
National Alliance All For Latvia – For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK
Latvia in First Place
Conservative Party
For Each and Every
Progressive Party
Union for Latvia
Combined list – Latvian Green Party, Latvian Association of Regions, Liepāja Party
Latvian citizens aged 18 years and older have the right to vote. Voters need a valid Latvian citizen’s passport or eID card.

Passports and eID cards that expired after 1 March 2020 are also considered valid for 14th Saeima elections.

To keep track of voters during 14th Saeima elections, CVK uses an electronic online register. This means citizens will not receive a stamp in their passport or voter certificate.
Members will use the online register at election sites to check if voters that arrive have voting rights and to check if voters have voted already. If the online register becomes unavailable for some reason, voters will be able to participate using registration envelopes.
Voters will need to present their passport of eID card at election sites. CVK employees will then scan personal ID documents and check the online register if the voter has the right to vote and whether or not he or she has already voted.
Voters’ name, surname and personal code will be written down on a paper form. Voters will need to sign it to confirm reception of ballots and voting envelope. After receiving the necessary voting documents, voters will need to verify the election envelope has an appropriate stamp and if all ballots are in place.
Voters will then have to go to an available voting booth and make their choice. Voters will need to pick one ballot – the one with the list of candidates they want to vote for.
The ballot can be left unchanged or draw a «+» next to the names of candidates they especially support or cross out the names of candidates whose election they do not support. The ballot will then have to be put in the envelope, seal it and drop into the voting box.
Votes will be counted at election sites in the evening and night after closure of election sites.

CVK reference telephone 6704 9999 will be available 07:00-00:00 today.

CVK notes that if residents spot possible acts of illegal influence over voters, they should report them to State Police using 110 emergency hotline or State Security Service by phone (67 208 964) or by e-mail ([email protected]).
Violations of political promotion prohibition violations should be reported to the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) by e-mail ([email protected]) or by phone (8000 2070).
Violations of political promotion prohibition in mass media should be reported to the National Electronic Mass Media Council by e-mail ([email protected]) or by phone (67 221 848).
Violations of personal data protection regulations should be reported to the Data State Inspectorate by e-mail ([email protected]) or by phone (67 686 031).