The amount of deposits of Latvian citizens in savings bonds has reached 100.9 million euros, the representatives of the State Treasury inform. At the same time, they note that at the beginning of this year, the amount of savings bonds owned by citizens was close to 15 million euros.
The State Treasury also informed that from Friday, the 9th of June, individuals will be able to purchase savings bonds with new terms of three and seven years.
The society continues to actively invest in savings bonds, and thanks to favorable interest rates,
demand for government saving bonds is at record high,
investments reaching an average of 1.5 million euros per day in the last few months, informed the representatives of the State Treasury. The most popular are 12-month savings bonds, but savings bonds with maturities of five and ten years are also popular.
Savings bonds are government securities with a fixed interest rate, they are issued by the State Treasury on behalf of Latvia. The state guarantees citizens’ investments in savings bonds in full, regardless of their amount. Interest received on investment in savings bonds is not taxed. Their buyers have the opportunity, if necessary, to apply and within a few days recover principal amount of the investment in full before the deadline.
Savings bonds are available for purchase at any time online at, and they can only be purchased by natural persons. In the near future, it is planned to modernize the site for purchasing savings bonds so that its use on mobile devices is more convenient. It is also planned to expand the range of available terms of savings bonds and to improve the conditions for purchasing savings bonds.